Friday, November 6, 2020

Some changes...does the camera lie?

 from summer of 2018. With my son Russ. This is a photo neither one of us wanted to publish...but it is what it is.

Looking Glass Falls and it's spring of 2019 here.

At Marty and Barbara's wedding - April in FL.

Marty and Barbara first dance at their wedding! Had to give them a photo op...the wedding was SO much fun!

Kate (youngest granddaughter) and meself at wedding rehearsal dinner. April 2019

Son, Tai and myself at Mesa Verde National Park, October 2019.

November, 2019 spending Thanksgiving with granddaughter, Audrey, and her family in Ohio.

May 15, 2020, just received stent on my heart. I walked into ER wearing a mask, and all the nurses, doctors and any staff in the hospital wore them...but they threw mine away. I kind of preferred oxygen actually.

Working out (exercise) with a heart monitor for the Ornish Lifestyle Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, August 2020.

My new kaftan, a birthday gift August 2020

Walking down to the stream and back up at Graveyard Fields with friend, Helen. I do have other tops, but apparently I wear this one a lot! Oct. 2020.

I'm really feeling much better moving around after basically 3 months (Aug to now) going through various exercises. Lost 25 ugly pounds too...and kept only some pretty nice ones!

And I'm about to end the Pulmonary Rehab program, and then be on my own. I plan to go to the local YMCA, which has a sliding scale price. That will allow me to keep doing what I've started.

Am I still eating vegetarian? You bet. But I wish my recipes were for one or two people, rather than 6. So I'm going to keep cutting them down, or freezing left overs. I just finished spinach-mushroom lasagna...and it took forever!

Tonight back to an old favorite, rice and black beans!

Apple not-a-pie for desert...I cut it up and sprinkle cinnamon on it, and nuke it a while.

The next night I made Quinoa and threw some mushrooms and cilantro into the beans...wonderful.



  1. Hello,

    Wonderful photos, looks like many happy times and memories. You do look good in the last shot. Congrats, keeping up the diet and weight loss is healthy too. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. Thanks...and of course the weight I lost mostly was up dear buddha belly is still there! Working on it!

  2. Looking good!
    You are to be congratulated for going vegetarian. I don’t eat a lot of it, but I do enjoy. And don’t think I could ever give up seafood!

    1. I think I'll occasionally have some salmon...since I take an Omega-3 vitamin with oil from herring and sardines.

  3. ...we have been hearing "it is what it is" a lot out of the White House.

    1. I like saying it too...just as "it's a good thing" got a brief following from a certain cook (Martha StewartO

  4. Although I posted a blog titled, The Camera Always Lies, that was probably inaccurate -- more like it reveals a semblance of truth. Whatever the case, you are looking healthier in the latest photos. Good for you.

    1. Thanks. I'm feeling pretty good most of the time. But then there are still some bad days...which I try to forget quickly!

  5. Good for you-- and the picture of you in your caftan is the best!

    1. Thanks Vicki...your commenting here reminds me to tell you how much I enjoyed Crows. I never liked the title...but it's an excellent historic novel! I'm off to write my review over on Amazon.

    2. Oh shucks...I haven't purchased enough at Amazon to make comments. Being a frugal shopper doesn't always pay off I guess. Or maybe because I use gift cards from my sons.

  6. I love the photos and seeing your lovely family! Your kaftan is beautiful and so is your smile. Glad you are feeling and eating healthy. :)

    1. Thanks...I really wonder why I have so many selfies...but I guess I wanted to be honest about where I was in life...after all 77-78 years are pretty incredible to think about living that long...though of course many folks do the 90s.

  7. You look fantastic! I love seeing these past few years of photos of you. Wow! I'm glad you're still eating well and healthily. Yum!

    1. I like the way I feel these days...and borrow recipe books from one friend who's now gone vegan. I don't eat egg yolks any more, and low-fat. But every once in a while I put feta cheese on my salads.

  8. Looking good, Barbara. Going veggie and exercising is really doing great for you,
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Bill...I'm thinking of smaller meals now, and keeping the exercise going while I can. More of those smaller meals throughout the day.

  9. Russ is having the same beard as I am at the moment. I'm going with a goatee at present.


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