Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sharing downloaded photos and up-to-date ones!


I loved this mural being painted.  Sorry, don't know who took the photo!

This has been around for a while...with a hawk sitting on her glove! She does represent a girl with a fierce wild heart! I wonder what the first line (above the edge of the saved photo) said.

One of my favorite old post cards of the intersection of US 70 (State St.) and NC 9 (Montreat Rd.) in the center of Black Mountain NC.

And of course the most fun is to take a new photo today to compare!

Maybe if I drive a bit further...

Now you have a clear view of Tyson's furniture with all the blue awnings on the left (where the Auction house used to be.) And right in front of you is Town Hardware.

After trying to find parking to try out the new Cuban restaurant (no luck) I drove down the next main road, Sutton St. It passes the Depot, and this relatively new store, Sassafras on Sutton. Their name is somewhere on the door that's open. I went with a friend a few weeks ago and saw the upstairs, which is devoted to children's games and books. Downstairs has lots of books and fun gift items. I love that store!

OK, one more (or maybe two) old photo to remind me that this is shared on Sepia Saturday!

Hill County Courthouse, Hillsboro, Texas...photographer unknown. I would imagine my ancestors Booth (especially the several attorneys) would have been familiar with this building.

I do have some great early photos of my father, whose birthday was last week. Check the sepia ones I posted HERE. 

And one of my grandmom holding her first son, (born April 6, 1906) while wearing her wedding dress! I always love the sense that she had gotten back into shape enough to put on her wedding gown following having a child.

The prompt photo this week is of a nurse and children.


  1. Hello,

    Love the Fauci mural and the fierce little girl photo. The postcard view and your after photos are great comparison images. The old photo of your grandmother is awesome. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. So good to see your comment when I first get up. You beat me and I did look at dawn today!

  2. I love the mural but wonder how long it will be before it is defaced.

    Nice old postcard and photos.

    1. Well, I only see photos of the murals that are looking ok, so I didn't even think of someone defacing it. I hope that doesn't happen.

  3. Love the photos. A nice varied collection today!

  4. What a fine collection. I'm especially fond of the fierce little girl!

    1. She does seem so brave. I hope to see this posted again on Facebook so I will know what the rest of it said!

  5. These are wonderful photos! Your grandmom had such a tiny waist, especially after having had a baby recently.

    1. We can guess that she had some stays lacing her tummy in for her...and I do remember my first kid didn't do as much widening of my waist as the next couple did. My grandmother ended up having 6 babies.

  6. The comparison photos are great, it's always nice to see how places change. I love the mural, I hope no one defaces it.

    1. I like that I was able to just drive downtown and click the photos of the same scene. I'm sort of connected to history in this town.

  7. The Fauci mural is right on target, and the rest of your choices are great. I would be drawn to that Sassafras store like a moth to the flame! Neat post.

    1. Oh yes, I love going into Sassafras and browsing! I am glad someone posted the Fauci mural.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I had the same thought about your grandmother getting back into her wedding dress. Kudos to her! Great then-and-how photos of Black Mountain, NC. I am always amazed to return to older ancestral towns, or those I knew as a child, and see how many of the original building structures are maintained and turned to new uses. And thank you for leading with the Anthony Fauci mural. An important message with the coronavirus sadly spiking in so many areas.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Yes, by the time I knew my grandmother, all her children were grown, and her body was a bit sagging...but she never looked over weight. I was glad to see the Fauci mural. I'm trying much harder to avoid contact with others in public these days.

  10. The baby photo of your father blew me away!

    1. That's my grandmother and her first son. My father was the 4th child of 6 which she gave birth to. My father was named after his father, and was called Junie (for Junior.)

  11. Enjoyed riding along with your photos today. Agree with all of the above comments! Fauci, fierce girl, comparisons, grandmother!

  12. Your grandmother stole the show!

  13. Your grandmother's photo with your father is a rare treasure indeed. Usually photographers in this era seemed to just put the infant on a pillow or blanket and leave mother out of the picture. As for Black Mountain, I was at that intersection earlier this summer and was bothered by a traffic holdup of 5 minutes! And parking? Had to drive three blocks until I found a spot! Next time I'll take the train. :-}


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