Sunday, October 4, 2020


 I'm sorry the new blogger doesn't let me change the color of my blog title...I've tried in "advanced" which is so limited and doesn't even have a button to "Save changes" at this I'll be kind of anonymous!

No the traffic wasn't backed up from a train (the tracks are just before US 70 and that Ingles semi truck. The traffic was because I-40 is having construction on one lane of traffic all weekend long, so the cars and semi's get off and come through town...backing up at each light.

I think geranium red may show more exactness than rose red.

The phone camera does fine with most shots...but the reds just have a lot of trouble with gradations.

If you know anything about the Tarot cards, the one called Justice usually just has the woman who's blindfolded holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. This last week we've all missed the wisdom of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. This clever card has a red background.

Neighbors over on Walker Rd.

The whole bush of roses which we've enjoyed all summer.

They were actually planted by my former neighbor, who moved away suddenly a few years ago.

Another time I took a photo close up of the beautiful red rose...which turned pink in my camera.

And no pinks appear on the geranium. I scratch my head.

There are a lot of people around my town/state, who have signs and stickers like this. We are currently a swing state.

My favorite bowl (which I made) holding some Thai peanut sauce. spinach noodles, and tofu mixed with whatever veggies were in the fridge.

I'll give you more Red photos as I take them...

Today's quote: (which incidentally I totally believe!)


  1. Hello,

    Love all the pretty reds, beautiful flowers. I will miss RBG! Love the last quote! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

  2. Nice reds! I know what you mean about color distortions. My totally unscientific idea that it has something to do with molecular structure and the way the sun hit objects.
    Toes crossed that your state turns blue!

    1. You may be right...I haave trouble in sunshine, and in shadow, so don't really know the answer!

  3. , too, struggle to capture red roses. Love the Justice card and the quote!

    1. The yellows also loose any definition and just turn into blobs. While blues kind of disappear. Thanks for stopping over here.

  4. Love all the red there. Love the quote too.

    1. Thanks...I'll keep on trying because there is much beauty in the world!

  5. ...driving I40 is awful on a good day.

    1. ha ha, I do it daily going to Asheville and back, and this stretch isn't that bad, unless I hit rush hour.

  6. Red seems to be a tough colour in digital.
    Maybe some other colours are off too but don't stand out as much as red?
    I don't know.
    Today, I tried a simple line break html code in Blogger, but it would take it at all. I can't used any html codes such as em dash, degree symbols or whatever.

    1. Oh dear...time to see if the word press blog I started years ago might still work. I'm an old codger (feminine version please) and hate trying to learn new tricks!

  7. Yellow and white and tough colours for me. I don't usually take lots of flowers photos but if I see a good one I'll take it and spend some time playing around. If I still don't like it, it gets deleted. :) The red you captured looks good especially the one with the blue sky, I like it.

    1. Maybe having a good photo editing program helps.

  8. Love the quote and totally believe it. The flowers are beautiful no matter the hue.

    1. Thanks...I guess I'm too particular and should just enjoy. Can't smell these roses though, nor geraniums.

  9. Is it the eyes that lie or the camera? I guffawed at the bumper sticker ironical. Nothing but BS from this administration. (IMO)


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