Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Back to the gardens

I love the ginger lily flower's scent. It's funny, lots of lilies are very objectionable to me these days. Not this one.
Just look at the size of that plant.

A very interesting pod...don't know the name of this one!

There were an abundance of zinnias in the John Wilson community gardens when I walked around a couple of weeks ago.
And marigolds...and some very tiny unhappy looking tomatoes.

Unfortunately we're due to have almost constant rain on this Sat. Wonder how they'll tag butterflies.

I used to think I was allergic to goldenrod...but I've been told the culprit is ragweed for allergies.

 So I haven't had any increase of symptoms walking wherever goldenrod is blooming. Yay.

Today's quote:

Visiting a sacred site can be a useful tool to open something within you that has remained inaccessible.

Madisyn Taylor, Daily Om


  1. Hello,

    The Ginger lilies and Zinnia are my favorites. Very pretty!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. I understand the same about goldenrod and ragweed. Apparently the ragweed often grows along with the goldenrod, at its base. One of my Flickr contact recently posted a photo of this.

  3. Love the ginger lily! Community gardens are such a fine idea.

  4. ...I love those lantern pods when they turn orange!

  5. I love zinnias and most lilies, although their scent can be overpowering. We're getting lots of rain right now too. And thunder.

  6. I love community gardens, you can enjoy lots of varieties of plants and flowers.


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