Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The 'hood

 Across the street (Blue Ridge Rd) are some single family homes.

While at the entrance to my apartment complex are sidewalks on which I walk almost daily.

I think this must be the back side of this home...and one of these days I'll drive around to see what the front looks like. One cannot walk on the two-lane Blue Ridge Rd, which has no shoulders, just ditches on each side.

There are parking places only on one side of the drive that goes through the Blue Ridge Apartments.

I walk up and down this driveway! We seniors don't go out all that often, so when I walked at 10:30 on Sunday morning I was happy to see folks leaving to go to church. My church holds virtual services...nobody in person due to COVID. So I was back home and on the laptop by 11.

And here' the follow-up to the bear's enjoying our trash. (see this post)..the management put up some signs where a person in a wheel chair could see them.

Today's quote:
We forget how powerful our words are and when we make promises, it is up to us to make sure we keep our words sacred. Daily Om


  1. ...thankfully we don't need a bear can in oour hood.

    1. You are lucky. Sharing the woods in these mountains with black bears has taken some getting used to.

  2. That's great that the management did that. It can be hard to remember what differently abled people need.

    1. Yes, and so far we haven't had anymore ursine visitors (I vaguely think that's their latin name.)

  3. Hello,
    It is good to get outside for a walk for the fresh air and exercise. We have had the raccoons visiting lately. We put our trash out right before the trash truck arrives. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. You have the right idea...I do the same with most of my household trash, but some kitchen garbage needs to go out earlier in the week.

  4. Nice neighborhood. Glad that management put up those signs, hopefully that takes care of the problem.

  5. Lovely neighborhood there. I hope you do get to see the front of that house with all those stairways out back. I would love to see what that looks like.
    Lovely quote.

    1. OK, you've given me incentive to drive around that block when I have a chance! I can't walk on Blue Ridge Rd, it would be suicide without any shoulders to walk on when a car comes. So I'll be able to drive soon.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.