Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Ornish eating in the time of covid,

  We arrived in the dining area to find our whole lunch had been served and was waiting for us.  We took off our masks (mine shows partly at the top right)

A sandwich of thin bread (which I prefer toasted) with lettuce and tomato and a tofu egg salad (no eggs). It was good, considering I've never eaten real egg salad! The soup was delicious white bean and carrot in a vegetable broth (lots of onions). The blueberry desert had had strawberries, which I don't eat. So I gave mine to another woman. A regular green salad with a nice vinaigrette dressing.  And that was all prepared for us which we ate while learning from the dietitian more about eating low fat vegetarian food.

Cooking at home, here's a plant-based burger...which was seasoned a bit more than I would have chosen, so I ate only half of it. I've learned any "fake meat" is usually not to my liking at all.

You'd think peas are just a vegetable, but I've learned they are a starchy vegetable, much like corn, potatoes and squash. I don't mind what kind they are, they are pretty good without any garnish.

Today's quote:

When we deepen our awareness of the simple truth that we are here through the creativity of the stars, we begin to feel fresh gratitude...what a stupendous mystery!



  1. Hello,

    The meal looks delicious, I would be happy with the salad and blueberries. Is that one of your poppy plates, it is pretty. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, Eileen. That's a poppy bowl I made. I ate just about everything in that meal, except the soggy bottom piece of bread in the sandwich...I used my fork to eat the fake egg salad which was surprisingly delicious.

  2. Replies
    1. Glad to hear you scratching your head over this diet!

  3. Replies
    1. Today I'm not going to follow this diet, and have a piece of French Silk Pie...and then be happy as can be However, I know that in the long run, the diet from Dr. Ornish's program is going to keep my heart beating a bit longer.

  4. The meal looks quite yummy. I don't eat red meat at all and haven't for 50 years. I haven't tried the "plant based burgers" yet. Not sure I will. Enjoy your French Silk Pie today!

    1. You are very smart...and probably have much healthier arteries than me. Though you didn't mention bacon! The pie was delightful.

  5. I never had tofu egg salad but I heard it tastes just like the real thing. Enjoy your French Silk Pie, good to the last bite. :)

    1. It was silken tofu I think, which I've also got a recipe using it for chocolate pudding. I bought some and you better believe I'm doing pudding instead of fake egg salad!

  6. Replies
    1. I used to make a tofu chicken salad, which used alfalfa sprouts. Nobody seems to sell them any more...maybe I'll buy some seeds and raise my own again. the world of plant based food is much bigger than I thought!

  7. I don't do peas, but otherwise could subsist happily on a vegetarian diet. However, I tend to eat too much cheese. (I'm addicted) And I do love real eggs. My older daughter was a vegan for 7 years; that's a difficult diet to maintain. She's now vegetarian, sometimes pescatarian.


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