Friday, September 25, 2020

Graduation day

 Yesterday we had our final day in this 9 week program, of meeting twice each week for 4 hours.

I am really sad that this phase of my recovery is over. I've gotten to know the other 8 people pretty well, as we each have endeavored to work our muscles more, eat some plant based foods that we had never had before, shared our feelings with folks who were strangers 10 weeks ago, and practiced stress reduction/meditation techniques together for an hour each day. 

 As always happens with NEW BLOGGER (drat, darn and sassafrass) these photos below are in reverse order!

Some of the guys in our class "cohort" and I think I didn't take this one holding my phone camera still.

A couple of the gals in our well as Jim, in red, who got to finish this his second time through the program (due to illness the first time.)

Staff members, Tamara, Michelle, Jay, Kelly and Chris, standing talking with us, as we had group photos taken.
Chris, Kelly, Jan and Michelle (with Tamara behind and above her) gathered with us to have photos taken.
Patrick, Jay, Jordan, Michelle and Tamara received their gifts from us, cups with their names on them and the Cardiac heart symbol.  

Chris on left, was the group counseling facilitator, and Tamara on right was our nurse program coordinator.
Michelle was our yoga (modified for heart patients) and meditation teacher.

Jay, the exercise physiologist, handed out our certificates of completion...and yes, the little boom-box played Pomp and Circumstance for us.

We will be continuing to have some gatherings intermittently in the weeks ahead, as alumni meetings. But we all know that this is the end of a life changing program. Whether we choose to continue living in this way is now up to each of us.  We laugh at some of the things we've given up, or maybe didn't. We were still allowed one glass of alcohol daily, but one of us really wanted to continue to eat avocados, which were not on our diet. Most of us gave them up, at least most of the time.

Now I'm starting another rehabilitation for my lung condition, bronchiectasis. The condition which causes me to cough frequently in order to get the mucous out of my lungs. This rehab will also have exercise and education, which I'm looking forward to. No more lunches though. Diet isn't part of this rehab. So even though it meets 3 times a week, the time will be shorter.

I'm really going to try to continue to live with these practices that I've learned over these 9 weeks. I'm much healthier than when I started!


  1. Hello,
    Congrats, your rehab is important. I am sure being involved with the group was a great motivation to stay healthy. I hope you are able to keep practicing what you have learned. Take care, stay safe! Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. Congratulations, Graduate.

    I can't seem to replicate your photo problems. Mine seem to come up in order of capture from oldest to newest. So far anyway. I will keep an eye on it.

    1. Thanks. It sure was hard at times.
      the photo problem seems to have gone away (maybe by complaining about it?) My next post put the photos up in the correct order!

  3. Well done, Barb!
    I don’t think I could give up avocados either.
    For what it’s worth: I am not in love with new blogger. Why does making it’better’ make it more complicated?

    1. I am so glad you're part of my blogger community cheer leading section!
      Blogger must want to keep up with the Jones's. I also am having troubles with Facebook's new version. So I just don't look at it on the computer any more. That means about half as much viewing time!

  4. Congratulations! I hope you stick with the new diet as much as possible. I couldn't give up avocados. I think we some with lunch everyday!

    1. Oh, and I bought my first Avocado for September today.
      I wonder where my first comment went. ARGH to new blogger.
      I said (the important part) thanks for being one of my blogging cheer leading support group!

  5. Bravo on completing things.

    I've set up posts with new blogger, but thus far haven't reached the point where they're published yet, so we'll see.

    Mind you, I don't like the new blogger format.

    1. Thanks William...I'll try to remember the importance of completing things. Good idea.

  6. Good for you! The program sounds so very worthwhile and you seem to have taken it to heart (so to speak.)

  7. It would be difficult for me to give up avocados. I've heard lots of complaints about the new Blogger. The program sounds like it was very illuminating and worthwhile. Like anything, carrying the lessons forward can sometimes be challenging. Hope you can work out the coughing; it's not a propitious time to have a cough!

  8. Those young people seem like exactly the kind of people I would like to be around. I am sure they appreciated their gifts very much. I had avocado today and I know that it has many benefits, but I am not on a restricted diet of any kind, so I will enjoy them while I may. That glass of red wine last night was pretty good too!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.