Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The pitcher plants

My friend Tim raises pitcher plants...but says they have to have lots of water for the roots...this one seems pretty happy with it's hanging planter, and just look at all the carnivorous mouths it has!

Today's quote:
Passive aggression is most often wielded by those who feel powerless and want to avoid their own true feelings. Madisyn Taylor, Daily Om


  1. ...they are one of nature's wonderful oddities.

  2. Marvelous plants. Thanks for the photos.
    I had one years ago. It bit the dust when I was away and my plant career didn’t understand its needs. I think it’s basically a swamp plant.

  3. That's closer than I have ever seen them.

  4. Hello,

    They are wonderful plants. I have only seen them growing wild. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. Pitcher plants are very beautiful. Love seeing this.

  6. The pitcher plants are beautiful. This is the first time I ever saw one, thanks for sharing.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.