Saturday, August 29, 2020

...and on another topic...

 Someone who owns a cat, and has lots of take-out/delivered meals, and drinks Pepsi pretty regularly...

Perhaps the same person...but these are certainly not recycleables...yet that's the bin which Mr. Bear tumped over.  It's possibe that someone righted the other black one. Food stuffs are supposed to have been placed in that brown bin to the far left, which has toggles that insert through rings, and is bearproof.

I was dismayed to see these piles of garbage left out over Sat and Sun. last weekend. The management had sent out a letter as to how we should place our garbage, and if we didn't we might have to clean it up and be fined.  Apparently everyone is now suffering because of this one person's mistake.

I had garbage waiting to go into the brown bin, but didn't take it out until this was settled. I fear the person at fault, who has a cat, also can't clean things up, as she rides an electric wheel chair herself. And from her eye level, she must not have even seen the "Recycle" sign on the top of the black bin. There's no way she'll be able to maneuver and clean up that trash either.

It was cleaned up by Monday morning (probably by the management.) I wonder what they will do the next time...

Poor bears get used to eating people's food, and it makes them more likely to have healthier cubs, which depend upon people's garbage more and more. Not a pretty cycle. These are wild animals and a close encounter may well leave a person injured, and then the bear would be killed.

And just to make this a bit of a Sepia Saturday post...

A dear friend/relation who was also a former Pan Am flight attendant... posted this to share. I can't resist adding it so all of you who remember Pan Am can smile at the good ol' days.  Check out other Sepia Saturday posts this week - the last Saturday of August!

Today's quote:
There will be something, anguish or elation, that is peculiar to this day alone. I rise from sleep and say: Hail to the morning! Come down to me, my beautiful unknown.


  1. Hello,
    That is sad, I hope the bears are not hanging around the trash. If the one woman is having trouble due to her handicap maybe she should ask for help? I like the Pan Am poster. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Maybe someone could offer to help that one lady? Someone's unit must be close to hers.

  3. I hope management recognizes the woman's problem. I too love the poster--and remember fondly when flying was a treat.

  4. My wife has a cousin who used to be a flight attendant at Pan Am back in the 50s.

  5. Love that poster. Your quote fits it quite nicely.

  6. Bears don't need stuff spilled and laying around to lure them. They're canny and know where else they can go to get good eatin's as evidenced by a recent video on YouTube where a bear walked into a Safeway store in Kings Beach, Lake Tahoe, CA, went straight to a rack displaying bags of goodies and walked out with a bag of Tostitos preceding to rip open the bag, sit down, and munch on the contents onsite!

  7. I'm just glad bears are quiet creatures. They don't howl, roar, or even bark, even though most everybody complains about them. They don't hide in trees ready to ponce on unsuspecting hikers. And they may litter in town but they don't trash the woods and streams.

  8. I love that poster and the if only I could remember that quote to tell my sister-in-law on our walk this morning. Thank goodness we don't have to worry about bears coming out of the bush! It's Spring here now and all we have to worry about in terms of wildlife are two blue tongue lizards who are very friendly with each other under my husband's chair on the porch as he does his crosswords!

  9. My mother-in-law was a flight attendant back in the 1940s, long before I knew her.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.