Friday, July 3, 2020

Things I wanted to share

My mother, Mataley Munhall Rogers on left, then my dad's cousin, Zulie Winslow Seamans, next to  her mother, Stella Swasey Winslow (Aunt Jim) and then her sister, my grandmother, Ada Swasey Rogers.
Men behind are Uncle Chauncey, his brother my father George Jr. Rogers, maybe his cousin who was close to my father's age, Billy Winslow, then my grandfather in hat, (Poppy) George Rogers Sr.

So Gummy (Ada Swasey Rogers) and Aunt Jim (Stella Swasey Winslow) were sisters. Gummy and Poppy had Chauncey and George Rogers (as well as Alex and James not in photo.) Stella's husband died in 1923. Her children were Zulie Winslow Seamans and Billy (William Swasey Winslow).

I just love the clothes these family members were wearing. I wonder what that fur collar my mother is wearing might be. I am pretty sure my parents and the senior Rogers lived in San Antonio TX at the time (around the time my parents met around 1935 until they got married in 1939.)

I love sharing beautiful art...and Carole Epp (a ceramic artist blogger) just posted this link last Monday. Ardmore Ceramics. This South African studio has amazing pieces.

And to celebrate July 4, here's a very old photo of Chimney Rock with Old Glory flying. I would guess it had just 48 stars at the time. I live about 20 miles from this feature, which is now in a NC state park. That's Lake Lure in the distance.

Here's a more recent photo of Chimney Rock. And yes, I have climbed those stairs and stood near the flagpole...maybe 10 years ago. Not sure I would today. For many years the elevator to the top level was broken or "being repaired." I wouldn't want to have to climb all the way up to the level where the gift shop was any way, so that was a good excuse. But my vertigo has increased as I've aged too.

Today's Quote:

H. sapiens is the species that invents symbols in which to invest passion and authority, then forgets that symbols are inventions. 
-Joyce Carol Oates, writer (b. 16 Jun 1938)

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week. Come on over and see what other Sepians have to share!


  1. Hello,

    I love the photo of your family. Happy Memories! I have been to Chimney Rock State Park, we took the elevator and then hiked further up the trail from there. It is a great park!

    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy 4th of July weekend!

    1. Happy Independence Day. Glad you got to Chimney Rock! It's a great view!

  2. ...a beautiful viewpoint, but I'm afraid of heights!!!

    1. Well, you and I can stay on the Blue Ridge Parkway where you get vistas without being out on the edge of the world (much.)

  3. Spectacular view from the lookout but you wouldn’t catch me up there! I love looking at old fashions too.

    1. I think staying on the Parkway gives us a chance to see out over the valleys without the sense of such height (at least if you don't look right down) from the overlooks along the drive.

  4. My vertigo has also increased.
    As for your next post, which you haven't published yet, your breakfast beats oatmeal with 3 spoonfuls of bran added.
    (I see the post on Feedly. This happens sometimes.)

    1. Now what are you going to say to me tomorrow! I thought of you when I woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep...there was no way I wanted to get out of my warm bed. Feedly sounds interesting...But I do have oatmeal a few times a week, or granola sometimes too.

  5. I love the old picture! And the ceramic art. Happy 4th, Barb! Stay safe.

    1. Thanks Vicki! I'll mention you tomorrow when speaking of my recent reading!

  6. Nice family photo, and I love the African art piece. As for Chimney Rock - yikes! If I made it to the top I sure as heck wouldn't get anywhere near any edges! Woo. :)

  7. Love the black & white phot of Chimney Rock. Spectacular view! I also love the family names...I think Chauncey is my favorite.

  8. The clothes in the family photos are stunning -- particularly your mother's fur collar. And the Chimney Rock is stunning, but you are right -- vertigo inducing.


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