Saturday, July 18, 2020

A swimming granddaughter

My granddaughter, Caroline, likes to swim for competitions, and has been doing swim meets for at least 7 years...maybe longer. She's now 16 years old.

 Caroline on far left with other "Patriots." She also used to swim at the YMCA, where I think the team was called Penguins.

And just this last month Caroline graduated out of braces on her teeth! Yay for beautiful smiles!

This must be a warm up, since there are so many swimmers in each lane!

Living in Columbus OH, she has been fortunate to swim some meets at OSU's huge pool, as well as traveling with her team to other great venues.
A 2013 team in Connecticut which Caroline was on...she's wearing goggles!

I'm a very proud grandmother, but I have only watched her swim once at the her more recent excellent events were shared by her mom. I haven't lived in the same area as this family.

The swimming granddaughter was a prompt from Sepia Saturday for this week!


  1. Swimming well must be a joy. In my case, even swimming badly can feel great.

    1. I used to love the weightlessness of being in water! May just do it again someday!

    2. I missed having a post from you this must be out capturing some beautiful photos.

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed it is, I'm so glad to see her without braces finally!

  3. Hello,
    Your granddaughter is pretty, she has a lovely smile. It is great that she has an activity like swimming, she must enjoy the competitions. Great photos! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. And she's really missing being able to swim these last few months.

  4. Wonderful photos of your granddaughter and her swim competitions. A perfect contemporary match for the Sepia Saturday prompt.

  5. What a great smile your granddaughter has. I used to swim a lot when I was that age and really enjoyed it. I was just thinking, I can't remember the last time I was in a pool. :)

  6. Inventive take on the prompt and a nice way to meet Caroline.

  7. A beautiful girl with a beautiful smile. Of course you're proud!

  8. My niece swam competitively with a college team and loved it. These days she's kept a bit busy homeschooling five kidlets - not just since the pandemic, but for "real", and loves that too. She must have beaucoup patience! :)

  9. Love this! None of my family has ever been a serious swimmer, but I do enjoy watching swimming competitions during Olympics years.

  10. A lovely profile of your talented granddaughter.

  11. I'm not much of a swimmer but what great exercise it is for these youngsters. It will stand them in good stead as the years go by.

  12. Perfection! Your granddaughter's smile is a beauty, but I lie her team's spirit smiles too.

  13. Pretty girl and very fortunate that she can swim. I wish I had learned how!


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