Friday, June 12, 2020

Lunch group

I was barely awake the other day...deciding to maybe lie there as I slowly became aware of the world, rather than pad into kitchen to get some caffeine to help my attentiveness....when I received several texts that made no sense.

Apparently some friends from church were getting together and were deciding where - for lunch today. They would text back and forth. I finally said, this is me, and I don't think I'm invited. Another woman said this is Tina...and apparently one of their phones had switched my phone number with Tina's.

She called after scratching her head and said she somehow was sending to Tina and it went to my number by mistake. By then the other 3 people had been sending a few more messages about the lunch plans on a patio where they could social distance.

As we talked in real time, we laughed, and I uninvited myself. Ruth, the person on the phone, is a very loving member of our church. She and several others stand in the town square at least on Wednesdays,  at 5:00 pm, and hold signs that just say "Love." It is a great gesture of sharing smiles, and some passers-by will honk their horns.

I explained that I supported their efforts, but wasn't up to a lunch yet. I'm doing much better recovering and waiting for a heart monitor to find out if there's anything else going on with my heart. I did venture to a grocery store that morning after talking with her...and found carrying groceries was a bit beyond me for now.

We laughed together. That was worth the call, the texts. And of course that gave me plenty of energy to get to the coffee.

Today's quote:

Not until black demonstrators resorted to violence did the national government work seriously for civil rights legislation ... In 1850 white abolitionists, having given up on peaceful means, began to encourage and engage in actions that disrupted plantation operations and liberated slaves. Was that all wrong?
-Ingrid Newkirk, animal rights activist (b. 11 Jul 1949)


  1. ...I love lunch, but I'm not up for lunch with a group quite yet either!

    1. Having short conversations as friends bring donations of food...either through a mask or the glass of the storm door...that's about it. When I see Doctors and Nurses, they also are masked.

  2. What a fun thing to do with those signs.

    I hope you are out and about more soon.

    1. Thanks...wearing mask to just take out the garbage...then remembering to wash hands when I come back inside. I am really really tired of this. But still waiting for the monitor to arrive before I can do that 9 day testing.

  3. Hello,
    We are trying to decide if we can meet up with our son and DIL this weekend. Maybe, outside somewhere.
    Take care and stay well. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. Great idea...if the weather cooperates. Outdoors does allow separation when eating without wearing masks.

  4. Definitely not time for meeting up with people yet. Social distancing is still the ambiance of the times. Take care there, Barbara.

  5. A nice chat, anyway. I once got an (unintended )invitation to a family reunion of people I didn't know. After a long friendly conversation with the sender, she invited me to come anyway. I was tempted but it was
    in another state.

  6. It's going to take a long time to feel comfortable again.
    Have a wonderful weekend!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.