Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Inside my apartment

I haven't shared much about the inside of my house. Here's my favorite TV-watching perch.

 Looking through to the kitchen and front door beyond...

Kitchen is unfortunately the first thing people see when they come in. I have a lot of trouble keeping dishes washed...and put away.

So this is where I isolate, and no wonder I spend a great deal of time on the computer! And looking out windows at birds. I saw a chipmunk today, a robin, a hummingbird, and a wren. Life is good.

Today's quote:

That's the terrible hypnotism of war, the brute mass-impulse, the pride and national spirit, the instinctive simplicity of men that makes them worship what is their own above everything else. I've thrilled and shouted with patriotic pride, like everyone else. Music and flags and men marching in step have bewitched me, as they do all of us. And then I've gone home and sworn to root this evil instinct out of my soul. God help -- let's love the world, love humanity -- not just our own country! -Christopher Morley, writer (5 May 1890-1957)


  1. I like the dark stain on the kitchen cupboards.

    1. Me too. It reminds me of my mom's mahogany dining room furniture.

  2. Hello, your place looks nice. I would enjoy the views out the window too. Have a great day!

    1. Hi to you too. I have limited views due to so many leaves...but it's peaceful.

  3. Replies
    1. You're doesn't take very long in these little apartments!

  4. Lovely apartment. Nice tour and good views.

    1. Thanks...wish I could welcome folks to my home again. Ah, did we ever think June would be like this!

  5. It looks quite lovely and it no doubt bears the hallmarks of your personality. The quote you provide is food for thought indeed. It is so easy for a country to pervert pride into jingoism and xenophobia. I am always a little puzzled when people claim to be a proud Canadian. I have little idea of what this means. I am neither proud nor unproud (maybe I just invented a word!) to be Canadian, I simply AM Canadian. I am very proud of some of Canada's achievements over the years, but there are aspects of our history, and contemporary life for that matter, that fill me with shame.

  6. What a lovely place, looks nice and cozy.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.