Friday, May 8, 2020

Young men in suits

A couple of young men, dressed up in suits (see the end of post...for Sepia Saturday this week.)

So this is my sepia photo for this week. My father is standing between his mother and father. I think they probably are dressed for church, thus the white summer shoes and stockings on my grandmother. Dad wore a shirt and tie every day of his working life. So did Poppy.  This was in our back yard in Dallas, TX in 1942.

In my life, my sons aren't required to dress up in suits. Except for the occasion of weddings.  When my oldest got married April 22, 2019, we all were dressed up!

That's not quite long enough ago to merit a Sepia Saturday post.  But you go with what you have, right?

Russ (best man) and groom, my son Marty.  Marty's coat of velvet with embroidered swags on the left side...and a nice satin vest, a bit of his wilder nature coming out for this, his second wedding.  I think this once would have been called a smoking jacket. For work he wears a polo shirt with his employer's logo on the sleeve.

Myself and my son Russ. I think Russ started work as a consultant wearing suits, but has now gone more casual with polo shirts with a collar, and left the necktie behind. Maybe not when he makes presentations. I'll have to ask him.

My son, Tai on left, having fun telling his half-brother Russ an emotional story.  Apparently Russ liked hearing about it. Tai is now working at a high school helping at-risk students move toward attending college. I don't think he would wear that new suit very much...but he's set for weddings now!

And the Sepia Saturday prompt shows 2 very young men dressed in their suits...I do wonder what the occasion might have been, something an Armenian culture would promote.

Today's Quote:

“One of the greatest barriers to connection is the cultural importance we place on ‘going it alone.’ Somehow we’ve come to equate success with not needing anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world into ‘those who offer help’ and ‘those who need help.’ The truth is that we are both.”
Casandra Brene' Brown


  1. ...this casual guy doesn't own a suit!

    1. My youngest son had a sports coat when he was in college (about 20 years ago) so this was a new one (and I got to go shopping with him when he bought it.) Oh, I wasn't allowed to help him make decisions, as I would just send photos of suits to his wife who was about a thousand miles away.

  2. A suit is a suit, no matter what the age. When you can get two guys to dress up in their suits, and it's not for work or a funeral… it's a winning situation!

    1. Oh, I haven't been to a funeral in a long time. I hope I won't have any to attend soon. Love seeing my guys dressed in their finest!

  3. I bet they're just as handsome in their polo shirts.

  4. I don't own a suit these days. Growing up I had to wear a suit jacket and tie while attending parochial school. I haven't really worn any since except to my sisters weddings.

  5. A very suitable post.

    Also, I agree that no one makes it alone. We always get help and should recognize our helpers.

  6. Such handsome sons -- and I love Marty's dashing suit! I still see men in suits at some of the social swing dances I go to (or went to, before quarantine) -- but they are mostly from the Boomer generation. The younger fellows prefer the casual dress your sons now wear to work. By the way, the lilies of the valley up top are lovely.

  7. I haven't had a suit for a long time. I do have an old jacket that I could press into service if absolutely needed, but it certainly isn't a modern, trendy one.

  8. I'm not required to wear a tie.

    It's been so long since I've worn one that I wonder if I've forgotten how to tie one.

  9. Handsome sons in suits is a winner. And your Dad was rather good-looking in a shirt & tie. The hat was the icing on the cake. :)

  10. You choice of photos were very well-suited! Last year I made an investment in new work clothes, a tuxedo to replace my older suit which has given me 25 years of use as a musician's concert uniform. Sadly I chose poorly and it doesn't fit as well as I'd hoped. It could be altered but that would negate its deep discount purchase price. So the old suit still gets worn.

  11. I had a hard time to finding vintage family pictures with anyone in a suit. Good job.


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