Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The flyover

New York front-line health care workers/all who are essential workers, were honored by the Flying Angels of the Air Force. They fly pretty quickly, and costly.

North Carolina's National Guard flew over Asheville, then Black Mountain, going along through mountain towns and in a big loop back to wherever they came from. Our local news publicized it the day ahead on Facebook, so I knew when they would be coming.

I had to go to the post office so while I was out, I walked around one side of Lake Tomahawk. Only one other person was also wearing a mask.  I had been on the dam, and was going to another place to look for the clear skies, when there it came...and fortunately I could see it through the branches of trees I stood under.

 Of course I could hear it, just as it approached over the far side of the lake. It had been scheduled to pass over Asheville at 10:50. It appeared here at 10:56.

Being a cargo plane, not a C-130 that I'd seen before, but a bigger, newer turbo-prop one...it made a lot of noise, and then was gone!

The news outlet said it was standard training so didn't cost anything extra. But I was glad to hear (when I posted my photo on Facebook) that lots of other people saw it too.

Today's quote:

Take refuge in this moment.
One lightning bolt of wonder
through the heart of a child
incinerates ten thousand
books of philosophy.
All the speeches of politicians
burn to tasteless ash
in the diamond eye of a lover.
A wild mushroom springs
from the manure pile, pungent
as the breath of a dark angel.
There is no war in this meadow.
Stars yearn to fall here
and become wild poppies
on an April morning. 
Fred LaMotte


  1. ...I'm sorry, but this seems like a waste of fuel. My DIL is a RM and for Nurses Week she got a peat pot with a tomato seed! Giving thanks?

    1. At leaast we're told the flights are regular training exercises, so not just for the sow of itll

  2. Hello, I heard these pilots have to practice no matter what so they would be using the fuel anyway. Great shots of the plane flying over. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It was fun knowing where they would fly...the news station published a map of their flight over much of North Carolina.

  3. Coincidentally, our flying team, The Snowbirds, did a local flyover too. They missed our town but were seen in two other nearby towns.

    1. That's nice to know...since they usually do training exercises somewhere without telling folks where they will go, this was an opportunity to have 5 seconds of fun as they roared overhead.

  4. Great photos. I'm glad you caught that and shared it here.

    1. Some days the highlight is just getting to see a plane fly overhead. I wonder what today will bring.

  5. Beautiful poem! Alas, with the government we have now, flyovers just make me paranoid.

  6. What great captures of the plane participating in the flyover.
    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful evening.


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