Tuesday, May 26, 2020

No caregiver for me

Well, that's just the way it is, some people have a spouse who's always there, through thick and thin. And some don't.

I long ago found I didn't have the patience to care for more than my 3 sons (and not always that well when I think of it.) And the cats and kittens. That's because I'm not a person who would give my all and then some, no matter how much I loved somebody. I'm a pretty self-centered want-to-survive kind of person.

But being a caregiver would mean being prepared to give my all for another person's needs. I am sure I would certainly find there's a line I could draw in the sand, and say, there, just that much.

But it's so nebulous. When is a couple going to work out that detail, and stretch it beyond where it was...I don't know.

I've been a caregiver in counseling situations, which always meant helping the other person find their own answers.

There's no quick fix to most problems of life.

I am sorry that my sons had to face my possible demise in the last week or two. I'm sure it shook them up a bit. I hope they made any final arrangements they hadn't yet done for their own lives. (And I admit to not having every detail of mine finished.)

View from the cardiac wing, on one of the breaks in the rain.

Did I mention the cardiac wing was full?

There are some corporate types trying to get more elective procedures scheduled so the (new to this hospital) owners can make money while losing some to Covid-19 patients.  But according to the nurse in Cardio-ICU the first night I was there, there were only 3-4 Covid-19 cases in ICU.  Of course he could have been told to give that information.

Anyway, now I'm trying to get used to paying more attention to almost vague messages from my body. I think I'd like to take a break from being 77-3/4 years old and just drink wine for a few days and play some games.

The other day I noticed I had an appetite back. That may be good, because I've just been eating dribs and drabs of the excellent food my friends brought me.


  1. ...just be careful what games you play!

  2. Having your appetite back is a good sign. I hope you have a good day.

    1. Yes. Though it's been nice to get on the scale to find it down where I wanted to have my weight go...just not quite so fast!

  3. So funny you would write about your lack of wanting to care for others. I was thinking the very same thing on my walk yesterday. My mom just went into the hospital with dehydration (for attention is my guess, another story) and I am so annoyed that I have to think about this, do I go see her (4 hours away), do I risk getting any germs she might have picked up? I really don't want to go and am trying to ignore my sense of responsibility because I am the only family she has. Ugh.... I am also selfish, though not with my daughter most days. I am actually enjoying being told to stay home lol.

    1. Each time we face these decisions we can do something that is a) what we really want to do, b) what we think someone else wants us to do, or c) some kind of compromise that we can live with. Good luck on that with your mother. Take care and stay safe!

  4. I'm glad you're getting your appetite back. That's such a good sign.

    1. I wish I weren't eating some of the delightful things I've got...but I'm trying to not overdo.

  5. Getting your appetite back is always a good start to feeling better.


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