Friday, May 29, 2020

Look up as high as you can

My gaze is more often earth-bound.
So I pointed the phone camera to the tops of the maples. Yes, there they are so far above me.

My perspective on life is changing. Something about near death experiences, which of course is only slowly seeping into my awareness.

Loving each new day, each moment, each friendly call or text. Getting such joy from reading the blogs that I have linked here...and missing some of them because I just have chosen too many for one person to read in one day.

It' kind of nice to have a glut of blogs.

Almost like the millions of leaves on the maple trees.

A few tunes for your pleasure: Rhiannon Giddens and Francesco Turrisi

Today's Quote:
Through me course wide rivers and in me rise tall mountains. And beyond the thickets of my agitation and confusion there stretch the wide plains of my peace and surrender. All landscapes are within me. And there is room for everything.


  1. Yeah, I can't handle having too many blog friends.
    Keep looking up, eh?

  2. ...keep looking up, but not when you are walking!

  3. Hello,
    Yes, keep looking up and love each new day. Blogging can take up some of your day, as much or as little as you like. Be happy whatever you do! Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  4. Yes, keep looking up!

  5. There are so many wonders when we look Nature, and in built up areas when we only look at the ground floor

  6. Looking up gives us a new perspective.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Oh love today's quote. Look after yourself.

  8. I love that quote! Take care of yourself.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.