Monday, May 4, 2020

Exciting times

I think whatever is going to happen in the next few months will indeed show the better side of humanity. And possibly the worst side as well.  After all, the Yin/Yang, Tai Chi symbol shows how right in the heart of the biggest area of light is the tiny beginning of darkness, and in the heart of darkness is the little glimmer of light.

 Yes, I brought home a new geranium...with lots of buds on it. Flowers are for sale at our nursery in Black Mountain, NC. And I bought some potting soil too.

 These little coleus (colei?) will need to be transplanted in the next week!

 I can barely say the name of this new hanging plant... a lot of different colors.

And just look what's happening on the rose bushes! These weren't trimmed back in the winter, but it doesn't seem to bother them at all.

I don't like the way red (and yellow also) just blasts away in digital photos.

Today's Quote:

1. “The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”
2. “Cruelty is easy, cheap and rampant.”
quotes from Casandra Brene' Brown, I'll bring some more soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed. I don't understand all of the quotes from Brene' Brown, but these 2 are pretty clear.

  2. Red is a difficult colour in photography.

    I think you're right about never going back to normal again. I was just thinking that the plexiglass barriers will probably stay up in grocery stores and others as well. Surely this will affect how I interact with some of the cashiers that I have become friendly with.

    1. It is harder to pay also...the little machine that I run my card through isn't really near the cashier behind the plexiglass...and I'm down all the way where the bagging takes place. I just consider everything I touch is "dirty" with Covid-19 virus particles until I'm safely home again...and washing my hands frequently as I put things in the cupboard, freezer and refrig. Then washing again. And when taking them out, doing the same...c'ause I heard the dumb little Covid-19 virus doesn't stop being "active" when frozen. Argh.

  3. Hello your plants and roses are beautiful. Wise words indeed. I do not think we will see normal again.
    Take care! Enjoy your day, have a happy new week ahead.

    1. I also am writing daily (in my journal) what I want the future "normal" to be like. It gives me hope.

  4. I love this post. I have been having similar thoughts, I am hopeful that things will change, but doubtful that they will. We never seem to learn lessons from things like this, too selfish I suppose..... but, yes, good things will come of it and bad things as well, such is life.....

    1. Hi Tracey...I used to read your blogs - are you writing again? I'll start following if so. There are certainly dark forces as well as the postive today is Star Wars day "may the fourth be with you." And those films certainly gave lots of time to the dark side. But it was confronted through violence. I hope we can confront the dark energies around us with whatever positive energies we can come up with. Friends stand in the center of town (Black Mountain NC) holding signs saying "Love" every day at 5:00 used to be just Wed. but they've decided they can share that message daily.

  5. Beautiful flowers there and truly lovely words. Thank you for all of it.

    1. You're welcome, and thanks for commenting here. I wish you well!

  6. Your flowers are pretty, I love those words, they are soooo true!
    Have a lovely evening.

  7. I agree with your sentiments but I wonder how much we are prepared to change. Starting with myself, well somedays I am not so sure I have it in me. I look at the way we live and ask myself how much of that am I willing to examine, to change or even leave off altogether. It's easy to write or talk about it, but in reality?


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.