Sunday, April 5, 2020

Twilight - or not really

I've changed my routine a little bit. More things to do inside the house.

I would rather giggle at some of the silly facebook postings...whether cats or dogs or kids, and today it's even owls. That what makes life interesting these days.

The trees are beginning to green up. Dogwoods have started to bloom too. Redbuds may be at their last few days. This is springtime.

Last night I ate a small pizza and salad which I picked up outside my favorite restaurant. I carefully handled everything, then put it in my own dishes, then washed my hands. It was a delightful dinner.

I got a kick out of the waitress bringing my bagged food out to the car wearing plastic gloves, and then taking my money with them on. Well, when I worked food service, I learned you wear the gloves to handle the food, and take them off to handle the dirty money. I hope she's doing the opposite, rather than wearing the same gloves to cut lettuce for salads! Ugh.

 Riding around last week, here's a cherry tree in bloom

A sunset some trees are brightly lit.  I don't really ever see dawn or sunset from inside my cozy apartment. Mmm, maybe I should do a walk at one of those times and see what it's like!


  1. view of the world has become limited, but I think of it as a small price to pay during these uncertain times.

  2. You live in a scenic area.

    I should also get out and do an early morning photo. I thought of it this morning, but, alas, it is too overcast to bother.

  3. Hello, we have ordered carry out one time, we survived so I guess it was all OK. Our redbud tree has not bloomed yet. Our trees seem to be the last to turn green. Take care, wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

  4. Nice photos! Pizza sounds good for supper, hmm.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.