Sunday, March 8, 2020

Rainy day is good for laundry

In two hours I've finished the wash and dry, and folded everything. Then packed them into that little green and purple cart that stands to the far right where my dirties were being washed in 2 loads nearby. I covered the cart with the clean stuff so the rain wouldn't get them wet again!

I use a public laundromat, and since retirement gives me my own time, I just read a book or do solitaire while waiting. This Black Mountain Laundry keeps itself very clean, and I try to go mornings during the week when few college students or moms with kids are there. Just precautions because I'm susceptible to catching various breathing problems, not to mention, I often have some coughing fits myself and get looks. This week I did my waiting for loads to finish in the car right outside the windows, so could see the machines and not share any germs. With the Corvid-19 virus on the news every night, I'm being extra careful.

Then I met a friend for lunch at Pepperoni's Pizza right next door, where my mushroom pizza and salad hit the right spot for all the work I'd just done. Lifting the cart up out of car and then pulling it over my 5 steps into my apartment were the work that might have burned a few calories!


  1. ...I'm glad that the laundromat is in my rearview mirror.

  2. I'm glad you're being careful and mindful of that virus. It's been a long time since I've been to a laundromat. It's good that you can go on the off times when it's not packed on the weekends.

    1. I remember when visiting one a few years ago when a younger person raised her eyebrows and said, I would have thought you'd have your own machines by now! As if age had anything to do with it.

  3. All rentals over here come with washing machines. There are places where you can take your laundry and they do it for you. I imagine that is spendy.

    1. It's just a one-bedroom apartment, and I guess they figured having a 4 machine laundry room centrally located would do the trick. Unfortunately they don't offer hot water for the machines...ugh to my mind. The laundromat is a 1/3 mile away, and they do take bags of laundry to wash/dry/fold. I've never inquired the cost. But maybe I will someday.

  4. When I want to wash a comforter I take it to a laundromat that has big huge machines. I can do it there for six dollars, whereas if I took it to the dry cleaners they charge as much as a new comforter would cost!

  5. I make use of a laundromat just down the block from my building.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.