Friday, March 27, 2020

Living on the side of a steep hill

 Leading off the parking lot is this enticing path. I think I'll have to go exploring!

 Our little apartment complex sign is there for those who already know about it, I think.

Looking back down the hill of N. Blue Ridge Rd., there are my pretty azaleas!

 Those white hanging blossoms are sourwood, a local favorite tree for honey in western North Carolina.

I like these Qi-gong breathing exercises.


  1. ...I remember driving along the Blue Ridge Parkway years ago and seeing people selling sourwood honey. I was told by friends that some of it was in name only.

  2. The colour of the azaleas is qite wonderful.

  3. Hello, the azaleas and blossoms are beautiful. Take care and have a great weekend!

  4. Beautiful azaleas, they are so pretty.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.