Thursday, March 19, 2020

If you had as many photos...

Well, I'm certain the professional photographers who share their beautiful work on blogs, do have more photos than I do.
But I'm going to be sharing some old ones for a while. At least till the weather is better and I can hunt down some nice scenes, by myself of course. Nobody else in the car till the virus thing is over and gone.

 This is my office space. That door leads only to a 3 foot square balcony, but the whole space in front of it has to be kept clear according to fire regulations.  I keep the old flat screen monitor and sometimes hook it up if I am watching a movie...but it's really not better than the laptop itself.

 At times it's been so cold when I get up (because I've turned the heat down at night) that I use the little tower heater as well as the larger wall unit, at least until the room is warm and toasty.

 My two windows can have a much better view of the mountains and the valley, if it's not completely fogged in.
I've already taken the large planter outside - the gardenia had started to push out lots of new growth leaves, so I thought, as long as there's no frost, it might do better on the front porch.

So these show you just a bit of my living environment.


  1. You are taking precautions. Stay comfy.

  2. Hello, It is nice to see your work space. I do not like using a laptop. I prefer my desktop. Take care and stay well. Have a great day!

  3. Looks like a lovely living environment there. Good place to hunker down and wait for this virus madness to end.

  4. can NEVER have too many.

  5. Thank you for sharing your quarters. Stay well.


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