Saturday, March 28, 2020

Feeling good again

I woke up feeling really good this morning. No more fever, which has plagued me constantly for the last 4 days. Whew. That was not fun, though I wasn't that sick, just figured I might get sicker the next day. And here I woke up feeling as good as the weather outside.

Yes I'm a fare-weather bird...glad it doesn't rain any more here than it does.

Just wanted a chance to let my blogging friends know whatever laid me up seems to be overcome. Lots of rest, less food than usual, plenty of fluids...naps most days...well, I can't claim that any one thing helped.  My friend who took off from her job because her throat and chest were hurting says she feels better today too.

So healing is also on the news...mine and hers at least.

I'm very selective about what I listen to on the news these days.

The windows are open, I can see robins listening for worms and bugs (how do they do that anyway?) and then capturing their breakfast. A little sparrow follows behind her seeing if she missed anything.

And trees are about to burst. My maples have buds that are beginning to open. The Bradford Pear, which was our first blooming tree, lost it's blooms and is fully green now.

I wonder how long I'll be able to see the mountain tops across the valley...before my nest here in the treetops is covered with green leaves!


  1. So glad you are feeling better and no more fever! Yay! Love this good news. Stay safe and well there, and enjoy all that wonderful sunshine.

  2. ...GREAT NEWS, hang in there!

  3. That's wonderful news! Stay safe and well.

  4. Robins are in abundance here now too. I asked one today why s/he didn't stay down south for a few more weeks. The language in the answer appalled me. Glad you are on the mend. This is a frightening time to be sick.

  5. Glad you are feeling better!

  6. Hello, I am so glad you are feeling better! Stay safe and well. Wishing you a happy healthy week!

  7. We have buds on the Sugar Maple in the backyard. A few warm days will make a huge difference now.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.