Friday, February 21, 2020

The weather

I'm writing this yesterday morning. I got up early, hoping there was snowfall. Not a drop (flake).

I did all my morning routines, and now it's 9:40, and the mountain ridge across the valley shows some clouds dropping down, starting on the lower edges of the ridge line, then all the way to Big Windy Mountain. I can still see the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly's red roof across the interstate highway. Cars and trucks are still zooming left to right, right to left. There's very little wind in the tall maple boughs that I look through to see all these details.

We've had a forecast that was so severe, the county canceled all their schools by 8:00 pm yesterday for the next day, Thursday. So we've been waiting all morning.

I did my laundromat trip and grocery shopping Wednesday, a cold grey but dry day. So I've got lots of veggies and fruits and breads. Going vegetarian has taken a bit of getting used to in grocery shopping. I tend to over-do it and can't possibly eat all this produce in a week.  Asparagus, grapefruit, mushrooms, bananas, blueberries, avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, tiny tangerines, sweet potatoes, ice cream, coffee and creamer, orange juice and beer, dairy products and breads of every flavor imaginable! A meal might come out of these, or not. Some of these I have 2 dozen servings, and some just one. But I do only shop every other week. My goal is one fruit, one veggie, one milk product and one bread a day.

And by the time this is published early Friday, before the sun arrives, it will either be wet, or dry, or white, or frozen, or not.

The way our weather arrives, coming over the ridge to the south...usually slowly, sometimes it seems to hang there for hours. 

11:30 am 2/20/20 - no more view of mountain ridge, Assembly roof, or interstate...we're in the cloud of flakes, and it probably won't stick for a while, but colder air is coming.

Around 7 the flurries stopped, and it was just a bit below freezing. Due to be sunny on Friday. But schools in Buncombe County are canceled again, from black ice danger on roads, I guess.


  1. Hello, I could become a vegetarian but not my hubby! We supposedly had some flurries overnight. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. This constant snowfall was fortunate in that total amount that needed removal was still just a 1/2 inch. Elsewhere, if the sun hit a spot, it melted by noon, and all was dry by 2. Except for my wood stairs to my front porch to the only door from which I can enter my apartment, so they are still slushy and have salt pellets on them...I'm ok with that. The railings still have their 1/2 inch of snow. Glad I can climb these 5 steps without holding on, like I used to.

  2. To become a vegetarian one would have to like veggies. Sadly, my veggie taste is quite limited. It is too bad really.

  3. I have way too many food allergies to be a vegetarian.

  4. That snow would be called a dusting here.


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