Saturday, February 1, 2020

Last day of January snowfall

Black Mountain NC has had more warm weather in January than I can remember (having lived here just 13 years.) Sometimes we've had warm weeks in December even. But there were usually some snowfalls before then.  This year I think there was a dusting sometime...but I don't even remember when.

So this morning when it started to really snow, I laughed. Not forecast at all! We hadn't all rushed to the grocery stores to buy milk, bread and toilet paper.

It didn't stay for long, and turned to rain. But it was sure pretty to watch.

When I rushed outside because I'd forgotten to put the trash out, and the garbage crew and truck were already picking it up, I asked the guy who happily took my bag, "What's going on?" He just smiled and shrugged.

So for all my Canadian, or even northern US blog friends, don't scoff too much. We got a kick out of this brief bit of real winter. It's all melted, and tonight will stay around freezing, so we only have to worry about black-ice on the roads.


  1. ...Mother Nature is an unpredictable gal.

  2. I am sure that it is quite an event there.

  3. A brief bit of real winter is the best. Snowy beautiful and then gone.

  4. The same thing has happened here in north Denver. Your pictures represent all the snow we got in January. Abnormally warm and dry.


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