Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Imbolc

A gathering of women shared some of the old ways from when goddesses were talked about freely.

 Brigid crosses were made of many different things.

Brigid, the Celtic bright gold/red goddess of poetry, smith-craft, midwifery, animal husbandry, and healing!
Our carved candles arrayed around a simple altar, full of fun images like Brigid crosses, a Celtic Wheel, an album of an Irish pilgrimage, and musical instruments. We shared poetry, creativity, dance, singing songs to goddesses, eating wonderful snacks and getting to know each other better. Inanna's Daughters meet at the local UU Church on cross-quarter days of the old calendar. Today was Imbolc, or Candlemas.


  1. Hello, fun images. Candlemas was a nice gathering. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  2. That's rather interesting and kid of cool.

  3. I love seeing the celebration of Imbolc there. The return of the sun, half way to equinox.

  4. I love this day and I really like that you did this together.

  5. I was not familiar with the term until today when my sister posted a riddle on FB:
    How do witches buy their herbs?
    They buy them IMBOLC.

  6. I've heard the term before at some point.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.