Monday, January 6, 2020

Dusting of snow and Red House day

 Snow coming down pretty hard, but only for about an hour. That was Sat. night, Jan 4, 2020.

 8:00 on Sunday Jan. 5, 2020. Next day started out pretty cold, but by noon the mercury was above the freezing mark, and lots of sunshine made people want to be outside.

 That sun helped me clear the windows of the car pretty fast!

 Just a dusting, the weatherman said.

We had a lot of visitors at the Red House Gallery, where I was volunteer receptionist for visitors. There were also a lot of studio artists coming in to work. That was the first time I'd been there when it felt so much like a community, since I don't work in one of the studios there.

 Looking toward the library from the Red House.

That's a chimney built to provide birds a place to other purpose. Hope it works.  The two story brick building on the right side (behind trees) is the Black Mountain Center for the Arts.

I took some photos of the exhibit at the Red House, and will share them soon at Alchemy of Clay.

The opening reception at the gallery is Jan 10 from 5-7 pm. See you there!


  1. ...a dusting is what we received over night!

  2. Hello, I can except a dusting of snow. That is enough for me, lol. I have seen a similar chimney somewhere, that is a neat idea. Happy Monday, wishing you a great day and a happy new week!

  3. Love seeing that dusting of snow. The best kind!


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