Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A dog! And a cell conversation!

I had to ask the woman talking on her cell phone to let me pass onto the foot bridge across Flat Creek.  She acted like I was the one in the way! Then she called to her dog, who had wet paws just below the bridge.

Fortunately dog was friendly but not into jumping up on me...and went with his "mum" to the other side of the creek to walk and talk together.

 I enjoyed looking at the simple things of nature around me.

And my shadow greeted the wet dogprints on the big rock.


  1. Hello, I have to wonder about how people act, they do not have to be rude. I like your shadow shot, at least the dog has better manners. Wishing you a great day!

  2. It looks like a good place for a walk, but I am once again presented with evidence that our species is not as highly evolved as we like to think.

  3. That looks like a beautiful place for a walk.

  4. It's crazy how some people are so into their phones and so forth. We went to lunch one afternoon and I was so sad because at the next table the mom, the dad, and all the children were each on their own individuals phones and no one was talking to each other.

  5. Beautiful scenes!
    Cute dog, and better behaved than his human!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.