Saturday, December 28, 2019

More from Christmas visits...

 It's a box, isn't it? Alice kitty just looked at it for a minute, and the next minute when I pointed the phone her way, she was gone.
 Visiting St. Petersburg on Christmas Eve, notice the beach scene above the tree!

I took a selfie with the purple tub of my pots on the dolly, ready to become presents.  I think I gave away about 30 pots...everyone just got to browse through them and choose their presents.  And now I have 1/10 less of the pottery at my house!

 Barbara Baker is the chef of the family these days! I really enjoy whatever she prepares.

 Beverly Baker and I share love of cats...she's Barb's sister.

 These little puffs of pastry have some great cheese melted over them as they bake. Thanks to Barb Baker again for gougeres which disappeared fast ! ( thanks Martha Stewart on food network app) ! 

Grandson Michael Thurston enjoyed sharing his baking prowess...which are cookies of many decadent varieties. He gave them as presents in tins...and it's really hard to eat just one.


  1. ...a family of creative folks!

    1. And our waistlines just keep expanding too! I have an excuse, at my age! Nah...just like to eat.

  2. I already shared these photos on FB, so people could see them (friends and friends of friends) but the blogs are my "keep photos albums."

  3. Hello, Pretty tree and cute selfie. I hope you had a very Happy Christmas. I am just back from a trip and catching up on comments. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


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