Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Yes...it's another time to think of all the wonderful blessings I've got right now in my life.

My health has come back. I only have the ongoing issues to monitor and give proper attention to.

My tooth has been repaired, so I can talk and smile without a broken front tooth. I may live in near-poverty, but generally pretty comfortably. But when I look like I haven't taken care of my teeth, I'm ashamed. (My early dental care was sadly lacking in my childhood, so my teeth are crooked, but healthy.) And it took me over a month to get this appointment. So now I can go back to my friends and be part of the group again.

The year end summary of my clay work was pretty easy to make, as I didn't make that much this year apparently!

Or, more likely, I just didn't take enough photos. Or even more likely, I've deleted them already.

I have a lovely home...very clean, very neat, very organized.

OK, I lied there, 3 times.

It's a lovely home, full of dust and a mess, but it's home!

I have such wonderful friends! One of them even called me last night to say she missed me. That was sweet.

My family is all spread around, but we do love one another.

I'm looking forward to a few days visiting the ones that I haven't seen since the wedding in April.

And dear blogging friends...I'm so grateful when you post about your lives, and comment about mine. It's a nice thing to share.



  1. ...a lot to be thankful for, Merry Christmas Barbara.

  2. You have a beautiful family and much to be thankful for this holiday season. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

  3. We all need to stop and count our blessings!
    Merry Christmas!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.