Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ah the pain in my neck

I just started physical therapy. I asked my primary doc if it might help with pain in my lower neck and shoulders...and he said yes, probably.

When I filled out the "diagnosis" questions I came into the moderate level of neck pain, I think.Without going into details, I've felt uncomfortable just sitting and working on computer at my desk, or at a table...sitting erect, not leaning on the back of a chair.

So off I went to a newly named Physical Therapist office, but the same good therapist I've seen for years, for various problems. He's helped me with my knee, my hands, my feet, and just about everything.

We set 4 goals...and he gave me some simple exercises to do at home...and an appointment twice a week for the next two weeks.

I'm really looking forward to this!


  1. I hope the physical therapy works for you. I saw a physical therapist two years ago for some lower back pain. She gave me some stretching exercises to do. I'm still doing them, and so far it's been working pretty well.

  2. I hope the physical therapy helps you. Ten years ago I had some therapy to try and stop my shoulder from hurting. It was because of the way I was sitting in a chair working on a computer. It has been gone for years now and I make sure I sit on a comfortable seat to do my work.
    Good luck!

  3. Good luck! Physical therapy worked for me after I broke my leg last year and then again this past summer when I was having some horrible shoulder pain.

  4. Hope all goes well with your physical therapy.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I went for second session today, even though I had a cold. I wore a mask and he just gave me various exercises to do...didn't want to touch me this time. Ha ha. And the minute I was done, he was spraying the table! But I did do some of my yoga poses and he corrected me so they will help my shoulders more.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.