Sunday, November 17, 2019

Going home

There aren't as many photos, as the road wasn't as scenic, and I was quite frankly tired of taking photos. The 4 days and 3 nights going east were also pretty boring and uneventful compared to the jam-packed days and activities in New Mexico and Colorado.

 We drove from Ooray CO north to Montrose, then went through a pass that Suzanne said was Monarch Pass.

We left Colorado on a scenic I'll share a few of those shots. At that time I was again with my friend Suzanne, who said she "loves to drive." I think by the time we got back to North Carolina she had really just had it.

 We drove past a wild fire which had been burning for a few days.

 But it wasn't near the highway.

There was even a reservoir which we drove right by.

Then our first night was in an awful motel in Pueblo CO.  If we'd known before we stopped, we would have chosen another one down the road.

There will be another post with some of the other states we whizzed through.


  1. Hello, beautiful scenic drive. The landscapes are lovely. It is a long drive, I would love to drive across the country. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

    1. Yes, driving that far does take some stamina of a kind...sitting or paying attention perhaps. Come have coffee in Asheville or Black Mountain with me the next time you come down the Blue Ridge Parkway!

  2. Thanks Agnes, glad you commented on my post. I hope you come look at another one. (I don't post on "Living in Black Mountain" any more.)

  3. I like seeing all of this (without having to put up with the drive or the awful motel.)

    1. Most of the motels were very comfortable. And the drive was mainly uneventful. I've seen more accidents in North Carolina than we did on that trip!

  4. You got some wonderful shots. I have been to Montrose. I flew into the airport there years ago and took a shuttle to Telluride. That was before Telluride had their own airport. The area is beautiful.

    1. It certainly is beautiful. I may be on one of those small planes for my next visit to the area.

  5. A beautiful landscape to travel through.

    1. We had very good weather too and as I mentioned before, no accidents were on any of the many miles we traveled.

  6. The landscape is gorgeous. Being on the road for long periods can be boring. I drove from New England to Alaska one year and by the time we got there I had enough. :)

    1. Oh you really did stretch yourself. Before I married my ex-husband, he rode his motorcycle from Connecticut to California.


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