Monday, October 7, 2019

The Governor's Plaza

To continue my early morning walk in downtown Santa Fe, here is more information about the plaza...a park basically.

 So who is the obelisk honoring there in the middle of the park?

 And there's another hint of fall in the leaves!

 So the first side honors heros who died when fighting Indians.  There might have been another word that's been removed. Mmm. Wonder what it was.

 Giving credit for erecting the pillar of marble during the 1866-7-8 legislatures of New Mexico (i.e. reconstruction following the Civil War.) I wonder when New Mexico became a state...

 In memory of Union Soldiers who fell fighting Confederates (rebels) 1862.

 Another Civil War battle is commemorated.

It was very enjoyable being out this early. Maybe I'll try it when I get home!

But there was one more stop before I got back to my car...which I swear only have 25 minutes on the meter.

Today's Quote:
We all have many aspects to ourselves - integrating these parts into wholeness is an important step in healing. Daily Om


  1. ...I like the shady park, it must be popular on a hot day.

  2. I googled around and found an article that mentions what the missing word was: savages. Here is a link about it:

  3. Robin had the same idea that I had about the omitted word.

  4. Yay glad to know, and so glad it was removed!

  5. They neglect to mention that the Indians were also heroes.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.