Sunday, October 13, 2019

Being a bag lady

Leaving Santa Fe, I stopped for lunch at the cafe between the other museums on Museum Hill...but didn't try to go through either the International Folk Art or the Native American museums.

 After climbing some stairs, and walking across a plaza, I was aware my breathing was being pushed to the limit by the altitude. That would continue all during my visit in the southwest, me panting at just walking along carrying a computer.

 And then I headed for Taos NM

The land was totally covered with either the yellow flowered bushes, or these low dark green ones. After dropping my rental car off, I had time to kill before my son could drive down to meet me from Cortez, CO.

I asked the car rental folks for a coffee house, so I could get on Wi-Fi and do some blogging! The bright pink bag was my 'nibble food' for a week. I had driven for 5 days so far on this vacation.

And the rolling suitcase had clothes and toiletries. The little case on top held my Nebulizer machine and C-PAP machine...not sure which was heavier, but I used one twice a day, and slept using the C-PAP.  Getting old ain't for the faint of heart!  I only had 4 blouses and 4 slacks...and a bunch of drugs, and a pair of walking shoes, and shorts, and a dress for ???

The sweet (?) guys at Starbucks were friendly enough and let me sit and sip some tea, and type away.

The Starbucks was located in an Albertsons Grocery store.  I was surprised how many families brought their children over to buy the juicy cold drinks. While the Starbucks guys watched my big case, I hauled my computer bag and food bag up a long flight of stairs to the ladies room. I mentioned to an employee at the top that I wondered what would happen if a disabled person needed to use a facility.

Finally I was picked up by son and wife, and they took me out for dinner in Taos. Then we drove off to find the B&B that they had reserved in a Earth Ship.


  1. ...those skies are beauties.

  2. I always wanted to visit Taos NM. I wonder why they don't have any floor based facilities for customers to use, it would make lots of sense. Nice photos and have a wonderful day.


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