Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Another sunset with moon and Jupiter

 Grand-dog Zora on the front porch...

 While son does some serious scrolling on his phone...

Looking at the many faces of Mesa Verde

 Closest neighbor has 3 dogs and chickens which I hear in the mornings.

 The backside of Mesa Verde has many faces as the day goes by.

 Then the moon appears after a gorgeous sunset  which I missed, over Sleeping Ute Mountain.

Someone told me later that the planet in conjunction with the moon had been Jupiter.  I've never seen it with my naked eye! (I'm still betting on Mars or Venus.)


  1. Hello, Zora is a cutie. Love the gorgeous sunset images. Great post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. She's almost 2, and pretty well trained, but still has a problem with barking. They've got a special collar that will control her barking.

  2. Beautiful colours in the sky, very pretty to see.
    Thank you and have a wonderful day.

  3. Gorgeous shots! I believe it was likely that it was Jupiter.

  4. Mesa Verde looks more beautiful than the celestial images.

    1. It certainly was pleasing to look at, and see differences in it's crags at different times of day.


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