Friday, September 6, 2019

They're so little!

 I love seeing the hummers at the feeder.  They aren't too happy when a bee or wasp comes hunting though.  I washed the whole thing down to hopefully get any nectar off the outside.  The Spirit House gets lots of little droppings on it though.

 What's this I spy? A mom with ducklings in September?

 I feel sort of sad, since I don't think they'll be ready to fly with the others who take off for warm southern shores soon.  But then again, perhaps they'll be among those who just stay around all winter.

There didn't seem to be any male assistance around either.

Oh, the reason I sat down to write this, was my realization (it has taken quite a while) that very few of my friends are whenever I post a blog post onto FB, then my friends can see some of it.  They may never click over to blogger, but they can see the first photo.

These days most people are looking at a phone screen, rather than a computer.  And I have yet to find a good app for phones that shows blogs. (If you have, please let me know.) Anyway, my friends don't have access to blogs from their phones!

I am not going to quit blogging...and I certainly have a nice group of blogging friends who comment frequently (thank you so much) so I don't feel like I'm sending things out into completely empty space. But when I get 25 or so likes, as well as a couple of comments over on FB, compared to 2-4 comments here, it does make one think twice.


  1. I unexpectedly saw a tiny little hummingbird a week or so ago, as I just happened to be looking out the second floor window, right up against the screen, and saw the little thing hovering around our Juniper bush... Don't know what the attraction was, but it hovered quite a bit. It was delightful to watch! I turned my head just for a second and when I looked back it was gone... Felt like I had been gifted with its short visit... :)

  2. Yep, a blog posted on FB gets lots more attention,

  3. I miss the days of really active blogging and blogger interaction. Things change and I guess I will have to adjust! I love our hummingbirds. They entertain us daily and we miss them when they leave for winter. Our activity has been less this week. I think some may have already begun their migration.

  4. I so prefer blogging to Facebook. I rarely post on Facebook, but I try to post on the blog twice a week. Blogging is such a lovely way to keep an online journal and connect with lovely humans around the planet. And, we get to see pretty pictures of places we will never see with our own eyes. Thank you for that!

  5. In order to help blogging continue, I've started commenting and following other blogs that are still posting. Yes, there is a personal interaction, but I think a lot of people read/look at them but never comment. I'd love to hear from them, their opinions count too!

  6. I love hummingbirds but we don´t have them in Sweden. I have only seen them when travelling.
    I too think it is a pitty that blogging is going down. I have FB but rarely post this kind of posts there.
    Thanks for visiting my kitty. :)

  7. Good to have a new commentor. Welcome! I'm thrilled!


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