Sunday, September 1, 2019

September song

Such lovely weather. But that's not all that's good in my life right now.

I spent Sunday afternoon sitting on the desk greeting people who visited the Red House Art Gallery. The weather might have been the reason there weren't that many visitors. And they whizzed through so fast, it was as if they had looked for a specific thing and not found it.

The other gratefulness I'm feeling is that my health is being pretty good. I'm taking naps as needed, and eating pretty well.  I've got a chest c.t. scan this week, keeping track of my lungs for my pulmonologist. Bronchiectasis - needing to cough to clear mucus frequently.  If the coughing weren't so noisy I could go where people are more often. As it is, at least once a day when I'm out, I have to remind people that I'm not catching, it's a chronic cough.

So I'm patting myself on my back for having slowly, and with lots of breaks, been able to walk to the lookout on top of Mt. Mitchell last Thurs.  Yay me.

I love September. It used to mean (way back maybe in the 60s) going back to school.  Nowadays it happens in August everywhere.  But rejoining the scholastic community has always been exciting and rejuvenating for me. I'm still taking Spanish, though it's not quite as hard as it could be, not having a teacher but just a bunch of seniors trying to enjoy what they can learn, while many times we can't remember even English words! Well, now that's become more important, in case I ever find myself helping shelter someone who ICE is looking for. So now I want to be able to say a few important things.  But I know some members of the Spanish class would want ICE to arrest illegal immigrants, so I won't be practicing those sentences in class!

There was one summer that I quit my job and spent 3 months traveling and camping with my oldest 2 sons over 10,000 miles. A lot of driving for me (at age 32). But other than that, I haven't had "summer off" or "summer vacations." I would work through summers. And when I retired...well, I have vacation time every day, but I volunteer almost every day.

Goodness this has gone on and on!

1 comment:

  1. I have often thought about volunteering someplace. I think it really helps to keep the brain active. I love that you are learning Spanish. I think I would like to do that too! Happy September!


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