Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Local Food vs. Free food-bank markets

Another worth while series of films...Here.  They are short, and expressions of beauty.

Planet Local: A Film Series about the Beautiful Local Food Movement That's Changing the Way We Grow Food

As my friends who shop the local markets say, the Tailgate Market with fresh organic food is expensive.
But some of us chose the organic locally grown food, making our health a higher priority than cost.

We find the free food markets, provided by the area's food-bank, may be less fresh, and most certainly aren't organic...but the price is right. We can eat most meals in a week from the bounty which is available at little or no cost to us...most of us are seniors living on our own, by the way.

Tonight I sautéed some free onion in canola oil, threw in a chopped clove of purchased Mexican garlic, boiled a free potato and a free yam, chopped the 6 free mushrooms, diced the potatoes and stir fried it all together.  The most expensive part of the meal was the dash of white wine I tossed in at the last minute. And I've got leftovers! I'll add the free spinach and an egg the next time I fix it. I admit, sometimes the spinach has gone bad by the time I cook, which I don't do every day. I love using the microwave and toaster oven. I think for me, the thing that keeps me from cooking daily is the clean-up of pots and pans.

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