Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ah sweet memories

For Sepia Saturday this week, I'm checking old photos for a shy girl, maybe standing by a wall. Come over HERE to see what other Sepia Saturday-ians have come up with. (I'll add mine as soon as the list is started for this week!)

I've got some old photos I found of myself...back in the dark ages! I don't remember being shy at these times. Maybe earlier I was.
The girl cousins Rogers.  From L to R, Sandra, Patricia, Barbara, Mary Beth, and Claudette. Taken where? Maybe Houston TX at my grandparents?  But Patricia lived in Wisconsin. My sis, Mary Beth and cousin, Patricia were both born in 1946, so they look to be around 3, thus it could have been in 1949.  And I do remember driving with my parents and grandparents and an uncle and my 2 Houston cousins to visit my Wisconsin Aunt Dotty and Uncle Jimmy in 48 or 49.  So since I don't recognize the lawn art or cars, I'm voting on this being in Wisconsin until someone tells me otherwise.

And a few more ancient photos (that happened to be saved in the same folder!)

In 1961 or 62 I was a bridesmaid for my best friend Rosemary.  This house is where my parents lived from 1960 to 1965. Since I was in college at the time, I only lived there during holidays and summers. It never felt like home to me.

While I was in college, I had a part in "The Boyfriend." I had only minor stage fright and forgot my lines once.  I did like wearing that rose velvet flapper dress!

My boyfriend's MG-TD, which drove us from Virginia to New London, CT in the summer of 1962.  He was in the Coast Guard. A year after we broke up, I married another man who was in the Coast Guard (who I'd known before.) Those Coasties had something special, I guess.

My profile probably cut for me in the late 60s or early 70s.


  1. Great photos! I love the one of you on stage.

    1. Thanks Robin: I am in contact with one of these cousins, who was not able to give me her memories of this, since she was so young. I'm thinking that first photo may well have been 1948! And I have no idea where I got it from. Maybe one of the other cousins posted it to Ancestry!

  2. Wonderful selection of photos. I love that there are vehicles peaking out of the first photo — the bike and the car in the distance. If the car is a Dodge, we had the same one when I was a child. And I can see why you would love the velvet flapper dress. It’s stunning!

  3. The five cousins is charming. Distant cousins always were a challenge growing up. They were family and yet strangers too. Perhaps those cousin encounters give us our first experience with feeling uncomfortably shy and then learning to make friends. I'm still working on it. Taking a little MG any distance beyond 100 miles counts as a road trip adventure. Perhaps in the 60s on the US routes it was slower and more picturesque.

  4. Lovely post. I love the one with the red car.

  5. Love the photos. You look cute and not the least bit shy.


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