Monday, July 1, 2019

Sunday morning joys

It's Sunday morning.

I've had my first cup of coffee on the balcony, reading some emails and news on the mini-iPad. But blogs don't come up there (though I did purchase a blog app, it's basically trash.) The petunias don't like the heat, but are surviving in the shade.  The Spirit House right below them offers good energies to the universe.

I'm listening to Bobby Darin (Here) at Time Goes By's Sunday "Elder Music."
St. John's Wort is an anti-depressant, and for now, just enjoying its blooms makes me feel joyful.

Just watered the potted plants on front porch and tiny balcony. With temperatures in high 80s every afternoon, the little plants are thirsty. But I'm fortunate to live in the shade of huge maples on the south side, so the apartment doesn't get too hot. In the morning I open it up to the breeze through the trees until the temp goes over's 80 outside now at 11 am. I have sympathy for the great European heat wave, as well as other places people are suffering.

And then a fellow potter-blogger posted yesterday morning that Lake Michigan is flooding in Chicago due to all their rain. (Gary Jackson)

As I post and type here on my old Toshiba laptop, I'm inhaling 2 medications through the nebulizer...the pump means I have to turn up the music a bit.  It is to help my Bronchiectasis coughing, which continues daily to just be there, neither too stressful nor going away, which is what chronic conditions do, day after day, month after month.

I will keep on doing my small efforts to diminish one-use plastic in my carrying and washing my own metal utensils to the lunch program 5 days a week. Every other week there's recycling collected here (separate from the garbage pick-up.)

Today I've got my mind on publishing the newly formatted newsletter for the church which I'm editing (with help of other more talented people). I am not at church this morning, which means I'll receive my spiritual inspiration from meditation instead of a group of people gathered to share song and praise to their own ideas of spirituality (or none.)  How Unitarian Universalism works as a community of such diversity is always amazing.  Something to do with love and caring for justice.

And tomorrow is my ex-husband's (father of my two oldest sons) eightieth birthday. . I find that amazing, and quite an accomplishment. We endure. We survive.  We're lucky perhaps. As his younger son said on the phone last night, "It sure beats the alternative."  I'm a bit miffed that he (young 52 year old son) hadn't done anything to remember his Dad's achievement yet.  He probably looked on line quickly when we hung up (an interesting anachronism) and sent something to him for tomorrow's delivery.

And I love seeing how the little succulents from Marty and Barbara's wedding are growing and thriving in the sunshine and heat. I think I need to make more "succulent" flower pots! I just made some orchid ones, with holes on the sides as part of their design for the roots to breath.  I'm glad to have chatted with you this morning, it brought me an inspiration to create!


  1. I love the yellow flower with the "tentacles" on the top! What is that? :)

  2. The St. John's Wort only seems to have one flower open at a time, and it's so gorgeous I'm thrilled by it. (Incidentally, my caption was hidden by having too dark a frame on the image, so I've lightened it a bit.)


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.