Saturday, June 1, 2019

Weather doing just fine!

Pardon me, a journal entry is needed this morning!

It's so cool outside, I had to close the bedroom window halfway through the night. Glad I did because, drum roll here, it rained a bit sometime before dawn.  I know because I got up with the sun for a change.
And having made my warmed-over coffee, I took it outside to sit in my canvass chair on the porch.

Oh no, nothing doing! It had been left out to the sky, and received plenty of damp!
My dear little plants may have been watered regularly while we've soared to 90 almost daily. But they were just smiling (you know like plants do) and perked up their leaves and flowers like happy kittens.

 8 am there are 3 new little sprouts peeking out of the dirt...they are 4 o'clocks! My plants with seeds last year gave me these! Whoopee!

So coffee sits here next to laptop. And I blog a bit, then sip. It is getting cold just like it did in the winter, when I also sat here in my sweater and reheated the coffee a few times before it was all gone.  Believe me I'm not complaining.

The second topic on my mind will become another post...about the healing powers of the woods, as suggested by Terri Windling on her blog in Britain.

And thirdly. But before I hit "post" for this, I must make a reminder to self. Hey Barb, you haven't gone to all those dental visits without having learned that Novocaine wears off, and THEN you need the ibuprofen. So today I had a minor filling done, but she gave me a last extra dose of Novocaine, when I kept cringing as she blew that cold air on the cleaned out cavity...must have some nerve that was exposed.  But I found out that I could have real pain with my cheek all swollen up, and my lips not working well as not being able to chew because I kept chewing  my inner cheek. But I was really hurting when the drug wore off. I quickly took my iburpofen...and put a warm compress on my very sore cheek. Then I curled up in bed and took a nap.  When I woke up I continued to eat soft food. I will try to remember to be proactive (which I've always done in the past) and take the ibuprofen as soon as I get home even though I'm still numb!

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There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.