Friday, June 14, 2019

doing my share for the spiritual seekers

Our administrator at church is on vacation this week.  So I'm filling in for her in the office, at least doing some of the things that need to be done... like putting some new rechargeable batteries in the phone that wasn't charging and was dead!

This is the tiny office. I can work in there for a couple of hours before it begins to close in on me.  When I did this part-time job for almost a year, the door used to have clear glass so I could see the trees and sky, and the room was about twice as large. Another office has now been built for the minister.  I still edit a monthly newsletter, and so I keep up with things, mostly. Now I just fill in when needed, a little at a time!

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There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.