Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Reality...or time travel and quantum physics

I recently considered this question again.


But I also recently re-watched the movie

Wikipedia includes some critical analysis of the film Here.

Quantum physics and reality...yep, the relationship isn't exactly answered, but there are a lot of questions that come to mind while watching this "entertaining" feature length film.

Have you seen it?
What do you think of time travel, especially related to quantum physics?

Just a thought.

Quote for today:
Our family often teaches us our biggest soul lessons--the most important karma we're here to work on this lifetime.
Madisyn Taylor, Daily Om


  1. I loved "What the Bleep...." Amazing stuff. Don't know what I believe about it all - parallel universes and such, but find it fascinating... :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I have the DVD but only watch it once in a blue moon. The concepts are thought provoking, aren't they! I don't go around talking about parallel universes and time travel, but it's on my mind more when I consider what a mess our current reality is in.


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