Sunday, April 14, 2019

Outdoor vending 2015 - part 7

2015. The Mudbuddies had been trying different things, but our main idea seemed to work.  Out of 6 of us, just 2 would be at market each Saturday. And those 2 would choose whether or not to open depending on the weather.

One time, we definitely said yes, no matter what the weather brought. And it brought rain. Oct 10, 2015.

The booth next door (local honey) offered us the drop side to shield our table clothes.  Pots don't mind getting wet, but potters do! Cathy gave me a grin in her little bit of dryness.

So I looked a bit haggard even at the beginning of the day.  At least it wasn't too cold.  But we sure didn't have many sales.

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