Friday, April 12, 2019

Outdoor vending 2014- part 6

The Mudbuddies weekly work by two of us is setting up a tent, opening the 3 folding tables to their 6 foot length, and toting tubs of pots for 5-6 people, out of our cars or pick-ups or vans...we kept ourselves in some kind of shape through the summer.  And we made a lot of friends, not just the other vendors at the Tailgate market, but steady customers who came for local produce and pottery!

 But we still had a pre-summer meeting with food. This year Bette was the hostess, and gave us some beautiful and delicious food!

 Cathy wouldn't hold still for Marsha looked on.

 Pat was listening to someone else giving their opinion while Bette made sure to serve her delicious repast.

 See, there she goes...
 Someone  said, don't miss taking Barb's photo too, so here it is.

 Marsha's warm smile almost in focus!
Pat stopped playing with the cat long enough to get her photo in focus!

And every week a different entertainment was provided at the Tailgate (between 9-12)...I think mainly for tips.  There was a great variety.

 The flower vendors were always a hit.

One other vendor that usually had a line of customers waiting was Roger, the fish man.  He brought fresh fish that had been trucked in from the coast of North Carolina, fresh! Prices reflected the speed with which it was available on Sat. mornings.

 I'm matching this to the theme suggested at Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. What fun, and what a perfect match to the prompt!!! :)

  2. You've made me want summer to come sooner.

    So much joy in these photos.

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE going to markets like this. But I'm glad I'm not a vendor. I can't imagine the hard work schlepping your wares back and forth. I'm glad to see the "back story" with vendors socializing.

  4. What Wendy said! Hard work, but enjoyable for the rest of us!

  5. Tailgate markets are great ways to meet people as well as get a bargain. In Britain they get called "Car boot" markets as pickups are not common. I like the diamond shaped dish with subtle curves.

  6. Smiling women and outdoor vendors -- great take on the post. Wish I lived close enough to shop here!


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