Monday, April 1, 2019

No school today!

That's the news that my children all tried to convince me of when April 1 came around.  You'd think they would come up with something more believable if they really wanted to fool me.

Rabbit rabbit (as they say around here.) I have no idea who "they" might be.  But since it is to offer luck for upcoming time, the first of the month is a good enough reason to spread that news!

More news? Not from the networks who supposedly tell us what's going on in the world out there. 

I'm deciding some changes that are coming about in my life this next month.  Still thinking about them, so can't tell you what changes might really happen.

I do know I want to spend more time outside in nature.  I've cracked the shell of my hibernating self from winter (though there is some doubt that it's really over yet.)

What would I do without parenthetical phrases? I'd be more direct.  You would receive a formal outlay of my thoughts, without the personalization that my side-comments provides. At least I think so.

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