Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Where I've been lately

 Like the Witty cemetery...a tangle of growth and not at all cared for by the descendants?

Well just a bit, but I'm caring for myself still, and doing much better .  I have however been focused on ancient people who are long gone...though their genes still swim along in my blood.

I look to see if he fought in the Revolutionary War if he was between 15 or 50 in the 1770s.  I question those who were born in the 60s...but perhaps they were still serving in the 1780s.

So I've been blogging about ancestors lately.  Not much working on clay.  I've had a respite from my first love (sculpting) but my brain is full of ideas that want to be modeled.  I have another week of my month off from studio work.  The side effect may well be that my lungs are healing.  If that is the case, I'll be the potter who's wearing a mask at the studio.

When talking with my son on the phone last night, he mentioned I wasn't coughing (like I usually do every few minutes.) We both were thrilled and also a bit skeptical...would this last, could we even talk about it before it came back through some kind of psycho-trigger? Nope, it lasted, even into the evening, when I usually am conscious that I probably disturb my neighbors with my loud hacking.  Ah, a peaceful evening and night.  And I woke up energized this morning.

The other result of working with those ancestors is that they kind of get into my bones...I keep thinking of them as I go about the day, and I feel sad about some of the things that happened to them.  I must distance myself from that emotion, because after all, they all have died.  I pray they didn't suffer.  I must not be sad that many died as children either.  I must let them be in those graves and celebrate that they were born, that some woman labored to give them life...and she was mother to myself as well.

There I am in the foreground at the Cleveland County Arts Council opening of "Treasures of The Earth" which I actually have pottery.  I just picked up the pieces from the Black Mountain Center for the Arts gallery.  And I had a couple of small pieces at the Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League show, "Passions of Art."  I've never been in 3 galleries at the same time before.  It takes my breath away.

I don't think I have any "vintage" photos to contribute to Sepia Saturday, so am having to post less over there.  I've enjoyed sharing my own older photos from my life, as well as a bit of my collection from older times.  But I'm not exactly a vintage photo collector like some of the sepians are.  I'll see if there's something that meets their criteria as they post the memes for each week.

So I hope to hear/read other's blogs and enjoy the sharings that they've taken time to post. And I'll be here on one of the 4 blogs almost daily if there's anything to add.


  1. I love what you write about people who are long gone, but whose genes are still swimming in your blood. Yes! That is the perfect way to describe that ancient connection. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Thanks Robin...yes, we are so connected. Now I'm going back to Ancestry site, to see if I have any cousins who lived in the mountains of Tennessee where it became the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I know there were a lot living in Sevierville, which is between GSMNP and Knoxville.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.