Tuesday, February 26, 2019

My animal spirits

This is hitting me upside the head - this morning's dream first (which I'll give a few details later).
But in chronological order, then I've seen several blogs, which I chose at a whim to look at, and the messages all kept saying, your wild self...the animals are calling you to acknowledge that you also are animal. That you are sister to animals.

Then this wonderful video of the silkies...and the music, the story, and actually swimming with the seals of Ireland.  I cried.

I don't know where this is leading.  There's a call to be out in the wild (which I subscribe to with awareness of my "abilities")  There is also a "klunk" kind of ah ha...I have purpose here. These strong emotions draw me to do something special.  Is it art? Maybe.  Is it inner growth? Maybe.  Is it anything that makes sense? Just about like silkies do.

So the dream is triggered by my connection to my cats, who've been pets, who've all gone before me, having their deaths as my responsibility, having their care for many years of my life, and having the joy of their sweet warm furry bodies cuddled with mine.

I suddenly hear them thumping down on the floor in the next room - about once a day. (Of course my scientific mind says it's the neighbors) Then I feel the bed have a creak as one jumps up to be near me.  And I have ghosts of them out of the corner of my eyes all the time, just disappearing around a corner, or walking by somehow.  And today I kept having one sitting by a door patiently wanting me to open it.  Never to go "out" because that wasn't part of their lives.  But those awful doors were closed and little claws and paws just couldn't get them into the next room...where something wonderful awaited.  Curiosity.  Ah. Such a shared emotion.  Patience, sometimes also shared.

What is the meaning?
To help those waiting to go through doors...the barriers of our lives.
At least that was my ah ha this morning.
And to open the doors.  It's simple. But sometimes so scary for me.  I don't think the cat was afraid.  She always just waited patiently and then knew (with a mew or two) that her servant would comply.

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