Tuesday, December 4, 2018

So 10,500 bots can't be wrong

Or can they?
I posted about my son's engagement.  Maybe the title caught someone's eye (an algorithm probably)
One commentator said they were probably bots.

Wikipedia has information about bots:
SOURCE: Wikipedia.

So the announcing post got about 2000 hits (is that the right term?)  Blogger says these are pageviews.
My other bog about pottery is the one that got 10,500 pageviews, the same day.
And the blog about living in Black Mountain NC got 1500 pageviews...same day and time.
My kind-of inactive blog about my ancestors did have a spike on the chart, of 54 pageviews.

Does anyone know if there's a problem? I worry.  I'm 76, I'm allowed to worry.
But I haven't been in a computer class, like most of my grandkids have.  

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