Saturday, December 22, 2018

Consumerism of Christmas

Just for fun, think of The Christmas that Never Was

The one without any consumerism...

Well, there is the story of Christmas, which we all get to hear over and over, as well as it having been recorded in the Bible.  That might not have had anyone trying to sell you something to give someone else.  Maybe.

I salute all those parents who apologize to their children (through many years actually) because Santa hasn't brought them a.) what they asked for or b.) anything much at all or c.) whatever someone else has droned into their heads that they should have, or d.) more than just being kept warm, dry and fed.

Dickens did a great job of showing how Scrooge had a bad attitude, which could be changed by a loving family.

Then along came "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart, and don't forget little Natalie Wood with "Miracle on 34th St."

I apologize to my readers, that I haven't watched that many of the more recent Christmas movies.  They were fun, and I watched them once.  But not more than once, (except Home Alone.)

If I'm going to escape reality into imagination, I'd prefer something with magic, music and maybe pure adventure. Yes, Star Wars sometimes.  I don't plan to go see Mary Poppins remake!

I loved my father, and miss his sweet silly nature.  That's me being hugged when about 3 years old.  He's been gone for about 33 years now.

 A few years later, probably 1947, there's my almost 2 year old sister with dark hair in foreground.  Among the fun toys was a wind-up metal music man with a piano at my feet (clad in P.J.s with feet!) and I have no idea what I was busy unwrapping, but there was a nesting set of cardboard blocks (very large) behind me...they had interesting photos pasted on the sides!  I miss my sister Mary Beth.

 My dear Grandmother "Gummy" was late arriving, but had presents which were wrapped in newspaper.  I had almost forgotten that!

 She was always full of love for all of us, though I know she rubbed my mother the wrong way many times.
 My little sister got her first phone...and since she didn't hear anyone on it (even if she'd turned it the right way around) she couldn't figure out why everyone wanted her to say hello.

My mother worked in her kitchen, and had prepared a feast for us all.  I know she got out the good china and silver, though we didn't have real dining room furniture for many years to come.  I miss her hostessing at holidays.

These photos are all from home movies that I may have published on another blog at one time or another.

Here's my contribution to the meme for this Sepia Saturday, a photo of "Lucky Christmas Customers 1934"

Today's quote: Hado

Walking through a Japanese garden, one truly feels the life force energy that is known as Hado. Hado isn't just present in Japan, but it is a concept that has existed in Japan for centuries. The two Japanese characters that make up the word Hado mean "wave" and "move" - perfect words to describe the energy vibrations that permeate all life. Hado is present in all things, animate and inanimate. It resides everywhere, even in the air and in people.

 One of the most important principles of hado is to monitor your thoughts and intentions every day. Enjoy the improvements that you will create in your life and the world around you by consciously working with hado.


  1. A very thoughful, nostalgic look at your Christmases past and what made them special to you. With all best wishes for this Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2019. - Susan.

  2. Yay, I got your comment Sue! Thanks for your good wishes. And the same to you!

  3. A wonderful compilation of photos capturing your family celebrating this festive season. You are fortunate to have so many to chronicle the tale. Happy Holidays!

  4. Wonderful pictures of what are happy lovely memories of Christmas at your house when you were growing up. I, too, have wonderful memories of that time and pictures to look at. But one year, when I was older and had a tape recorder, I secretly taped the family sitting around opening their Christmas presents. When I played the tape back we all howled with laughter over some of the comments made, and now, all these years later, I still have the voices of my Dad, Mom, and Grandma Louise on tape to listen to whenever I'd like. :)

  5. I love your insight on materialism, which I try to keep in check along with trying to keep Christmas as a serene time. Great post. I'm going to dig more into the term "hado."

  6. The love of family is the real reason for the holidays - Christmas, Thanksgiving. Sadly the relentless push of consumerism diminishes the role families play in memories of these special days. Every year my mother brings out a small (and oddly svelte too) Santa Claus figurine she received as a small child. It probably cost 10 cents in 1934 but the memories it holds are priceless. I wish you all the best joy for the new year!

  7. You have some very sweet photos and memories here. Thanks for sharing them.

  8. A great family Christmas memory. Reminds me a bit of my own family that I have been unable to spend Christmas with the last couple of years. Especially your mother in the kitchen cooking up the feast and getting out the good dinner set... that's my grandmother and mother all over.


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